Do’s & Don’ts of Treating Blackheads

If you see blackheads on your face or nose, then it may make you feel like you are in high school all over again, but you need to keep in mind that these irritating spots are curable and can be gotten rid of in a few days. Methods like exfoliation, preventing additional aggravation and using the best scrub for blackheads can help tremendously to treat those stubborn blackheads.

Below are the most important do’s and don’ts of treating blackheads that you need to keep in your mind before you start playing around with them. Make sure to focus on the don’ts as well, as they can prove to be very challenging in removing blackheads at a later stage.

Do’s and Don’ts of Treating Blackheads

Do: Frequent Exfoliation

If you only cleanse and rinse your face, then you may skip clearing off a lot of dirt, dead cells, pollutants, makeup or other things that cause blackheads.

Don’t: Squeeze Blackheads

Yes, squeezing and extracting blackheads can be quite tempting to do, however, it is recommended to avoid touching them at all.

Do: Use Quality Face Scrubs

You can use a blackhead scrub that is specially made using ingredients helpful in removing blackheads. For example, ODEON’s Charcoal and Tea Tree Face & Body Scrub contains charcoal which is one such ingredient.

Don’t: Use Chemical products

Chemicals like hydrogen peroxide are extremely harmful to your skin and especially to your face. Most of the face scrubs out there contain hydrogen peroxide in them, unlike ODEON’s products that are made using natural extracts.


Now that you have successfully removed your blackheads, you might notice that your pores appear smaller. This is because the scrub for blackheads that you may use removes the dirt from the pores. Even though products like ODEON Charcoal & Tea Tree Face and Body Scrub are excellent at removing blackheads, you will still need to apply toner after scrubbing for better protection of the skin.

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